
Draconian reptilians
Draconian reptilians

draconian reptilians

It would be as cruel and hurtful to call the Alpha Orion lizards "Draconian Reptilians", as it would have been to refer to Jews as German Nazis. They are biologically not the same species, but they are politically also on opposite sides. The two groups have been in wars with each other. The Alpha Orion lizards and Draconian Reptilians are two very distinct different groups of aliens, and it is not only biologically important to distinguish them from one another but also politically important. Usually, I reserve the term "Reptilian" to mean the Alpha Draconian Reptilians, therefore I have called these Alpha Orions "lizards", to distinguish them from Draconian "Reptilians". The Alpha Orions are not Alpha Draconian Reptilians. I started this website to write about the Orion man I had met, and then it went from there. Why do I call my work The Orion Project? Because it started when an Alpha Orion contacted me quite all of a sudden to talk to me about the work they are doing with studying my bacteria and collecting my DNA and eggs. I have encountered aliens who say they are from the star Alpha Orionis which is also called Betelgeuse, and other aliens who were from the star Rigel, presumably of course they mean that they are from planets by those stars. Orion is a constellation of several stars.

draconian reptilians

Orion has been involved with a lot of Reptilian wars, and it becomes politically very important that we keep a clear distinction between the different types of Orions. And so here is a clear distinction of the different types of alien beings who tell me they are from "Orion". There is some confusion about the different types of aliens who say that they are from "Orion", and while I am pretty good at keeping track of them, I imagine that it is getting confusing for the readers.

Draconian reptilians